if your dog goes missing...
It's more common than you'd think for recent rescues to escape their yard or break loose of their collar. Below are resources and information that can be helpful in the first hours that your dog goes missing.
Name a contact who can do the following so you can focus on finding your dog:
1. Post your dog’s information on Dogs of SOMa, SOMA for Animals, Rescue Dogs of SOMa and SOMa Lounge
2. Ask others to post in their neighborhood Facebook groups.
3. Create a PawBoost (this website will share your dog’s information/your contact info to their Facebook page and spread the word through their own rescue squad). his website can also generate a flyer for you and will post your dogs information to their Facebook page (www.pawboost.com)
4. Join and post in Lost Dogs of NJ Facebook group
Reporting your lost dog:
1. Contact St. Huberts (973-377-2295) and AHS Newark (973-824-7080) - leave your name and number in case someone finds your dog and brings him/her to either of these shelters.
2. Contact local PD's (depending on where your dog went missing/was last seen) to let officers know your dog is missing so they can keep an eye out.
Local Police Department non-emergency numbers:
Maplewood: (973) 762-3400
South Orange: (973) 763-3000
Millburn: (973) 564-7001
Irvington: (973) 399-6600
Newark: (973) 733-6000
Some tips for looking for your dog:
- if you have another dog or a friend has a friendly dog, walk around the area where your dog was last seen
- take with you food and treats you know your dog loves
- take with you an extra collar/leash
Rescue & recovery organizations to help find your dog:
Buddha Dog Rescue and Recovery offers a quick action plan on their website